Scout's Honor Code of Ethics
adopted from the Professional Animal Care Certification Council
Servicing animals & customers
To encourage responsible pet ownership by encouraging pet training, health and other advocacy programs.
To encourage responsible pet ownership and an increased public awareness and acceptance of humane and noble animal programs.
To keep all client information confidential.
To maintain and respect the confidentiality of all information obtained from clients in the course of
business; to refrain from disclosure of information about clients and their pets to others without the
client’s explicit consent, except as required by law.
To keep accurate and complete records of clients, their animals, and the services provided; to ensure
secure storage and, when appropriate, confidential disposal of such records.
To obtain written informed consent from any client prior to photographing, video or audio recording an
animal in any play, handling, and/or training session. Specific written client permission shall be obtained for public or for-profit use of the photos, video or audio recordings.
commitment to continued education
To continue professional development as required for maintaining the PACCC credentials in accordance with the policies of the PACCC. Professional development includes, but may not be limited to, educational seminars, clubs, periodicals, and other resources provided by respected and knowledgeable leaders of the pet industry.
Avail myself of educational opportunities as may be established by the PACCC that meet CEU requirements.
Minding local, state, federal industry laws & policies
To be aware of, and comply with, all applicable federal, state, and local laws of the country in which I provide my services in governing animal care and business practices, including, but not limited to, ethical standards governing professional practices, treatment of animals (including cases of neglect or abuse), licensing, identification, immunization requirements and the reporting of incidents.